Tuesday, April 21, 2015

New Beginnings

I've started blogs many times over the years, but I always find myself losing interest or getting caught up in living and moving away from writing. I rather enjoy blogging, it's just that my life has this cyclical path of:
Middle: Okay, I can do this a couple times a month
End: OH WOW! THIS (insert a new topic of interest) IS MORE EXCITING!

So I begin a blog with lots of gusto, post for a month or so, and disappear off the face of the earth. But, with turning 25 a lot of internal and external changes have been taking place in my life and I hope I can continue down that path and update this along the way.

I should add, I am absolutely, atrociously, and quite pathetically TERRIBLE with technology. I am not a big fan of it. I don't understand it, and I have put off making this blog solely because I hate trying to create an aesthetically pleasing space to write. I cannot write unless its aesthetically pleasing either...welcome to that Libra Moon that drives me completely bat-shit crazy on a regular basis. "OH EVERYTHING MUST BE BEAUTIFUL AND EXCITING!"

So, I have played around with this to the best of my ability (meaning no ability what-so-ever) but its in a vague purgatory state I am accepting of. That being said, if you (yes YOU, whomever you are) would like to fiddle with my page and make it pretty, please contact me!

On to more exciting topics, such as: Who am I?

I'm a 25 year old flower-child who has ambled through life loving and enjoying lots of things and testing many..many..many waters. I have finally settled on a career path (though I've also said that many times before, sorry mum!) and am attending University (AGAIN) this autumn for a BA in Forensic Anthropology. At this point I have 5 years of University in my path in fields like Interior Design, Photo-journalism, English, Creative Writing, Classics and so on. I also have a Massage Therapy license, an certifications in all sorts of massage modalities like Reiki, Hot Stones, Cupping, blahblahblah. I've lived in Siena, Italy and spent my 21st birthday in Athens. I love to travel, have attended somewhere in the area of 13 schools and moved a dozen times.

But that is a lot of resume bullshit. What I really love? What really makes my heart sing?
being barefoot, dancing naked under the moon, making lists, museums, corgi kisses first thing in the morning, fireflies, summer nights, iced tea, BBC, receiving mail, being in love, writing, mythology, archaeology, philosophy, books, and that awesome root-chakra...that feeling of primordial, primal, animalistic belonging. You know what I'm talking about! It happens when the bass is really good on a song and you just flow with it, or when you have a first kiss, or when you lay in the grass naked under the moon and stare into the universe laid out before you and just feel...alive.

But that is a lot about me and little about my tiny, fox friend who will be the other half of this blog. Her name is Poppy and she's a two year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She's basically my entire world, my best friend, and also the sole source of my daily rage. She's adorable, fiesty, and exactly like me. It's probably Karmic, and would be hilarious if it wasn't happening to ME.

So, What will this blog be about?

An amalgamation of healthy recipes, Bohemian gypsy wagon photos of my house as I continue remodeling it, my unparalleled (and rather constant) philosophies on everything from Socialism to Anarchism to Paganism to Feminism..a lot of isms, and of course an abundance of corgi pictures. 



  1. Eeeeeeep we're blog buddies now! <3

  2. oh and I can help you with your layout if you want... just send me an email if you have any ideas or colours or photos/images you would like to use... I'll see what I can do with it :) You definitely need wider space to write! A bigger top banner perhaps? Like I have?

    1. I just saw this! That would be FABULOUS! I just want something pastel with a girl and a fox :) we share a very similar style. Pastels and vintage and yes a bigger banner like you have!
